Our mission is to translate the most impactful, evidence-based teaching and learning practices into a courseware platform.


Recent data suggest that Codon Learning’s Study Path eliminates gaps in student learning outcomes due to prior course preparation.

With low Study Path use, students who scored in the highest quartile on a week 1 pre-test were more likely to pass than lesser-prepared students. These gaps were eliminated with high Study Path use (Figure 1).

Figure 1: Students with high Study Path use are more likely to pass, regardless of their incoming preparation. Students were binned into four quartiles of prior preparation based on their scores on a Week 1 pre-test (the Genetics Concept Assessment, Smith, Wood & Knight, 2008). High Study Path use indicates greater than 75% completion over the term. n = 249 students (154 low Study Path use, 95 high Study Path use) in an introductory Genetics course at a large R1 university. Data courtesy of Dr. Jenny Knight at the University of Colorado Boulder.

The study path improves course grades for all students

Data from the same study reveal that high Study Path use leads to improved learning outcomes for all students, regardless of prior preparation (Figure 2).

Figure 2: Across all four pre-test score quartiles, students with high Study Path use earned higher grades than their peers with low Study Path use. Using the same dataset as above, we disaggregated student data by letter grade rather than a pass/no pass binary.

evidence behind the CODON STUDENT FRAMEWORK

The Codon Learning student platform was designed from scratch using evidence from the learning sciences to promote metacognition, self-testing, and spaced learning.

Self-testing and spaced learning have been shown to:

Decades of research have shown that learners with self-regulated learning skills are more likely to succeed in STEM courses. These skills:

students Love us

Student survey data indicate a majority of students notice and appreciate Codon Learning’s benefits to their learning skills and study habits.