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A Codon Conversation about an asynchronous chemistry-in-biology intervention that improves student performance in Introductory Biology.

Join us for an engaging conversation about students’ experiences learning chemistry concepts in introductory biology, and the impacts of an asynchronous intervention designed to support student learning of these concepts.  

Join us at 2pm EASTERN (11am PT) on Friday, March 7th for a conversation with features two distinguished experts:

Dr. Claire Meaders (University of California, San Diego)
Dr. Melinda Owens (University of California, San Diego)

Together, they’ll share background of their journey as part of a faculty learning community exploring ways to support students in introductory biology, the development, implementation and assessment of an intervention to support students’ learning, and practical tips and recommendations of lessons learned for instructors interested in adoption of similar approaches.

Audience participation is encouraged—bring your questions and ideas to this dynamic discussion!

Dr. Melinda Owens is an Associate Teaching Professor in Neurobiology at the University of California, San Diego. She is the current Treasurer of the Society for the Advancement of Biology Education Research (SABER) and the course coordinator of two introductory biology courses (The Cell and Multicellular Life), which she has taught since joining UCSD. Dr. Owens conducts Biology Education Research focused on student conceptions of biology content; inclusion and equity; and faculty development, and she co-runs the NSF-funded REU program Virtual Education Research in STEM Academy (VERSA) at UCSD.

Dr. Claire Meaders is an Associate Teaching Professor in Cell and Developmental Biology at the University of California, San Diego where she teaches introductory and upper-level undergraduate biology courses, as well as pedagogy courses for both undergraduate and graduate students. Her work as a Biology Education Researcher has included projects focused on student experiences in large introductory courses, teaching practices supporting student learning in biology contexts, and discussion section structure and impacts for students.

Drs. Meaders and Owens collaborate on various research projects, including two focused on student experiences within introductory biology and use of classroom observations for supporting faculty development across STEM disciplines.

Can’t attend live? No problem! Register anyway, and we’ll send you the recording to watch at your convenience.